Ann Arbor Bicycle Accident Injuries Due To Potholes
Riding a bicycle in Ann Arbor is quite common, for both exercise and commuting to work and class. However, some obstacles on the road such as potholes, uneven portions of cement, and even rudely patched potholes with loose gravel can prove to be quite hazardous. These hazards can cause a bicyclist to lose control of the bike and fall to the pavement. The injuries from bicycle falls and accidents are often very serious.
The government is responsible for maintaining roadways in reasonable repair. Michigan has several statutes that relate to a governmental agency’s duty to properly maintain roadways. A bicyclist injured due to a defective road condition or pothole can file a claim against the government agency for accident related injuries.
MCL 691.1402 says in pertinent part “. . . each Governmental agency having jurisdiction over highways, shall maintain the highway in reasonable repair so that it is reasonably safe and convenient for public travel. A person who sustains bodily injury or damage to his or her property by reason of failure of a Governmental agency to keep a highway under its jurisdiction and reasonable repair and in condition reasonably safe and fit for travel, must recover the damages suffered by him or her from the Governmental agency.”
To assert this type of claim, the injured bicyclist is required by law to provide written notice to the government agency responsible for maintaining the roadway where the injury occurred. The written notice must be served within 120 days of the injury, with very few exceptions, or the claim will be forever barred. The notice must include the date of the injury, the precise location of the injury, the nature of the defect, and the names of any known witnesses.
In the event that a bicyclist is injured due to a road defect in Ann Arbor, it is essential that an experienced Michigan bicycle accident lawyer be contacted as soon as possible after the accident. This will insure that the matter is properly investigated and the required notice be sent to the governing agency to preserve the claim.
Our bicycle accident Buckfire lawyers will interview witnesses, take photographs and measurements of the defective condition, and obtain government records of road repairs in the area of the accident. Without this prompt and detailed investigation, it may be later impossible to prove and win your claim. Time is of the essence for preserving these claims.
If you or someone you know sustained serious injuries due to a bicycle accident involving a pothole, contact an attorney immediately to learn your legal rights. The experienced lawyers of Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. handle these types of cases every day and represent clients under our NO FEE promise. Call our office today at (800) 606-1717 for a free consultation with one of our top-rated Buckfire lawyers.